
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Teen Spirit (2019)

Art of the title  What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The first are written and directed by. Next, is produced by then the executive producers. Following after that is the co producer then director of photography. After that is the production designer, following the costume designer, edited by, music by, music co-producer, and the music supervisor. Choreography by, visual effect/ visual effects producers. Hair and makeup, casting by. The leading actors names are the last shown. What images are prioritized in the opening  sequence? Neon pink images of a blonde girl a primo Ed. Also including magazine covers. What connotations do these images carry? The images carry a connotation of fame as we follow a pop star going getting her big break. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The film establishes a feeling of drama from the outset through plot. We hear a new anchor announcement what it seems to be the main character being picked as a win

Title Research: Walk on the Wild Side (1962)

 Art of the title What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The production company “ Columbia”. The movie title “Walk On The Wild Side”. The starting actors/actress and their roles. Music by, songs by, vocals by, director of photography, production designed by along with the associate producer. Following that is the flim editor, set decorator, makeup supervision, assistant director, sound supervisor, and sound. After is the titles designed by then costumes designed by. Which leading into  the novel it was based on, screenplay by, produced by, and lastly directed by. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images of a feline are prioritized in the opening sequence. What connotations do these images carry? These images carry mysterious connotations. Following the felines eyes and paws moving to the bold and seductive jazz-like score. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The film establishes a feeling of drama from the outset throu

Title Research: Catch me if you can

 Art of the title   What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?   The production company titles are shown:”DreamWorks Pictures presents”.Next, the production companies. Following that are the actors are then shown based on importance. The leading actors are shown first then the movie title. “Catch me if you can” is then displayed. The rest of the actors names are shown. After that, The casting team titles are displayed right after. Which leads into the co producer, book based on, music by, costume designer, film editor, . Lastly, the production designer, director of photography, co-executive  producers, executive producers, produced by, screenplay by, and directed by. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images of air planes, suit cases, office chairs, laptops, and humans are prioritized in this opening sequence. What connotations do these images carry? The images carry light-hearted connotations. Some of the mannerisms used can be relatable to those with a

Title Research: Little Women

                                                                                       Art of the Title  1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?     The production company titles are shown. Such as Columbia pictures and Di Novi pictures. Next, the creator Gilliam Armstrong. After that they present the lead actress: Winona Ryder. The main tittle “ Little Women” is shown. Directly after the rest of the actors and actress are presented based on importance. The casting team is presented and then music by. Costume designs, co producer, director  of photography, novel author, and screenplay. Lastly, produced by and directed by. 2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images such as trees and snow are prioritized in the opening sequence. A blue aesthetic is used for each slide. 3.What connotations do these images carry? These images carry a sense of peace. It makes you think the beginning of the film takes place in a small calm town. 4. How does the film est

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 I love this website. It has a variety of titles. Ranging from more well know ones to more underground. I use this website for more enjoyable title research. They provided a description from each movie title. Explaining the theme and what is happening. This really helps me connect themes withing titles. Which will initially help my opening sequence titles. This movie doesn't just have titles from films, but from tv shows, video games, student projects, etc. This is very beneficial because I can see how to make my film less like a tv show and more like a true movie in such short seconds.                                                                                                                                             Xoxo, Dru Donald

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

      I'm using this site to get a feel for picking titles. Titles are a very important use in films. Different genres mean different titles. Of course, for a horror movie, you'd want something scary. So getting used to different titles helps me a lot. This website has a huge variety of titles that I can research. I've watched over 20 different titles. In doing so, on each one, I take notes about the atmosphere and neatness. Also with this  website, I can look at titles from specific designers+ studios. This helps when I want a doing more tedious research.                                                                          xoxo, Dru Donald

Genre research: hidden figures

           Drama e lements such as the character thought, and the spectacle was used in this film. Majority of the movie-related to the character's thoughts and motivation. Also, each character has a moment of development. You got to see breakthroughs from multiple characters. Also, this movie opens eyes up using spectacle while seeing three women achieve what is deemed to be impossible. This movie was filled with intelligent characters. Characters who were above average on the intellectual scale. So, seeing that really played into the spectacle.      Some elements of drama in Hidden figures that I like was the cinematography and plot. The way this movie was filmed really captivated each moment so perfectly. It made me feel as if I was traveling back in time. Like I was just apart of the ensemble watching the story unfold. Also, the plot was well developed. As this movie was based on a true story, only so much can be fit into 2 hours and 7 minutes. However, the writers are able to

Genre research: Dream Girls

  1 The elements of drama that are in dream girls are Plot (Climax/ Tension), Sound & Music, Spectacle, And Editing. These elements all added to this film are what differentiates a regular musical movie from a drama-based movie in itself. It also has more dramatic camera movements as well. Things such as low angles to show superiority, and high angles to show inferiority, are just a few that are in dream girls. The same thing with lighting we can see a lot of backlighting, and three-point lighting in the film.  Some of the few elements I liked about dream girls were more so leaning into the sound/ music area. Adding the element of this movie being a musical added an extra sense of drama. It has an intense range of songs that include emotions that we're able to play out not only in the soundtrack but on screen. There also were a lot of dialogue points I enjoyed as well. Scenes that include fighting and the scenes that build up into songs were some of my favorite moments. Lastly

Genre research: Malcolm&Marie

  In the drama film Malcolm & Marie, many elements were used. Elements such as the sound of music, climax and tension were deeply embedded in this film. Mostly tension between the two main characters and their romantic relationship. Throughout the movie, you can clearly see attention build up especially at the most climactic scene.  The use of diegetic sound was another key part of establishing each scene. I created a sense of authenticity allowing me to feel as if I was there with the main characters.      Some elements of drama used in this film that I liked were diction and character development. Dialogue with heavily used in this film. It was the main way of expressing the emotion and hurt each character was going through. Each word was well scripted to draw emotion from the audience. Also, well most people tend to believe that character with development always means develop in a good way. This film shows development going from high to low and low to high. Which I really like b

Genre Decision Blog

      I've decided to make my opening sequence a Drama film. I feel as if drama is the most fluid. It will a let me be most creative. Since I myself are very dramatic I can put that energy into my film. At first I wanted to do an action genre film. But then I realize that my strongest points light in horror and drama. So with those two, I decided to Research even further and pick which one suited me the best. Thus, I decided to go with drama. I want to be able to create that suspense that leaves the audience wanting more. Well this isn’t a full length movie, I will make sure to still give it the same feeling.  Additionally, I found it interesting that in the genre of drama films. Other genres such as romance  or comedy can be snuck in. I wanted to still use concepts of other genres was still being a drama film.  Although, it wasn’t that easy to make this decision. Well I do wanna be creative I feel as if I picked a horror genre film that would be easiest. Simply because a horror fi

Genre Research: Thriller and Drama

  For my other two genres I choose to research Thriller and Drama. I wanted something similar to horror yet very different so these were the perfect chooses. When researching the genre of thriller, I found that some of the convention were the same. Although horror is used to make the audience feel ‘horrified’. Thriller is used to create a feeling if ‘thrill’. Common camera angles used in Thrillers are: high angles and closeups. High angles makes the subject look and feel inferior. Close-ups are used to focus on a subject and express/explain subject’s emotion in that scene. Some common movements used are tracking/panning and zoom.  When it comes to mis-en-scene, thriller and horror are also very similar. Costumes are heavily used. They show character may be headed or what kind or person the character is. Some elements in a thriller film. Are suspense, excitement, tension. Thrillers can take place anywhere, at anytime, to anyone. On the flip side, the genre is quite different than a thri

Genre Research: Horror

     I choose the genre of Horror as research. I spent 4-5 days educating myself on the common conventions used in this genre. Then I gather all the information I learned and made this PowerPoint presentation. I first start with the common lighting used. I found that Chairoscuo lighting was very common in horror films. A contrast of light and dark is used. often to highlight the main character and add suspense.      Next, I talked about the common editing techniques used. These include are not limited to High angles and Close-Ups. High angles allow the main focus to appear vulnerable and smaller. Additionally, close-ups help show true emotion as to what the person is experiencing. Zooms are another editing technique used in Horror films. This is when the camera lens changes its length. The most common zooms are inwards which dramatizes a character's expressions.      Then I moved onto common mis-en-scene present in horror films. Setting and costumes play a huge part within the mis-

My Pitch

       So here's my first pitch-     A group of teenagers, all from different cliques get brought together by a life-changing event that will keep them connected forever. Will they fumble? or rise to the occasion!      My next pitch is sorta similar but more action- A group of friends must resonate with their souls in order to defeat the ultimate evil. Bonded by fate, will these heroes save all of humanity?       For my first pitch, I would be interested in making it into a film because I feel as if it's versatile. It doesn't give too much but it still leaves something on your tongue. This could take place in a high school, camp, mall, etc. The options are endless. Also, the genre is ultimately action drama. However, with his pitch, it would be easy to add in some romance or even comedy. Still, a downfall is that there's no real cliffhanger.     I would be interested in making my second pitch due to the more fictional aspect. I would love to add lots of cool effects to

Starting the Final Task

       Hello, my name is Dru Donald. I am 16 and super excited to begin my final task. For this project, I will be working alone. I find that working alone always me to be my most creative self. As there is no one to refute my ideas. I will have friends act in my movie. However, this project will fully be done by myself. I have many ideas that I cant wait to be brought to life. I am an appraising actress to the idea of filming a movie gets me very enthusiastic.      I want to make this film a dramatic romance. However, depending on my pitch blog that might change. I'm juggling between that and a horror. I want about 4-5 people in the film as it is short. The tricky part is to make sure that it doesn't look like a trail. So, I'm going to research a lot of 30-second movie clips to see the dos and donts.     Out of the 4-5 actors, 2-3 will be the main characters . Mostly likely only two because it's easier to script and balance.     I plan to start my pitch blog after I br