Starting the Final Task

     Hello, my name is Dru Donald. I am 16 and super excited to begin my final task. For this project, I will be working alone. I find that working alone always me to be my most creative self. As there is no one to refute my ideas. I will have friends act in my movie. However, this project will fully be done by myself. I have many ideas that I cant wait to be brought to life. I am an appraising actress to the idea of filming a movie gets me very enthusiastic. 

    I want to make this film a dramatic romance. However, depending on my pitch blog that might change. I'm juggling between that and a horror. I want about 4-5 people in the film as it is short. The tricky part is to make sure that it doesn't look like a trail. So, I'm going to research a lot of 30-second movie clips to see the dos and donts.

    Out of the 4-5 actors, 2-3 will be the main characters. Mostly likely only two because it's easier to script and balance.

    I plan to start my pitch blog after I brainstorm ideas. I hope to get a clear vision. Stay tuned for my pitch.


                                                    xoxo, Dru Donald


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