Genres I would LOVE to research

 For our three genres, we chose: drama, thriller, and mystery. We felt as if these genres matched our pitch perfectly. Our film calls for confusion, in both the actor and the audience. We never truly know what is going on until the end. Researching further into these genres will allow us to not only increase our knowledge but further our film. 


This genre employs emotion, various ranges of it. From happy to sad and shocked to scared. Drama is also very versatile. It allows for sub genres to be intertwined with it. With that being said, researching this genre would help us make a good foundation.



For our film we want to explore dark and engrossing feelings. Mood plays a big part. The aspects of Thriller will help us achieve it. We also want to make sure that the audience stays interested. As our film is only five minutes, every second counts.


For our film we want the end to be mine blowing. Rather than leaving off on a cliffhanger, we want a mystery to be solved. The genre of Mystery features topics that are fascinating and foreign to the human minds. This is exactly what we want to look further into. 

We can’t wait to research!

                                                                                          xoxo, Dru 


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