Genre Research: Thriller and Drama


For my other two genres I choose to research Thriller and Drama. I wanted something similar to horror yet very different so these were the perfect chooses. When researching the genre of thriller, I found that some of the convention were the same. Although horror is used to make the audience feel ‘horrified’. Thriller is used to create a feeling if ‘thrill’. Common camera angles used in Thrillers are: high angles and closeups. High angles makes the subject look and feel inferior. Close-ups are used to focus on a subject and express/explain subject’s emotion in that scene. Some common movements used are tracking/panning and zoom. 
When it comes to mis-en-scene, thriller and horror are also very similar. Costumes are heavily used. They show character may be headed or what kind or person the character is. Some elements in a thriller film. Are suspense, excitement, tension. Thrillers can take place anywhere, at anytime, to anyone.
On the flip side, the genre is quite different than a thriller and horror. To start, lighting in a drama three-point and high-key lighting. A few common camera angles are low-angle and high-angle, which is similar to thrillers. The use of mis-en-scene is simple. Little things such as makeup, costumes, and props are used.Dramas relay more on plot rather than showy elements.

All in all, both are great genres to explore and research into more.
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