Genre Research: Horror

    I choose the genre of Horror as research. I spent 4-5 days educating myself on the common conventions used in this genre. Then I gather all the information I learned and made this PowerPoint presentation. I first start with the common lighting used. I found that Chairoscuo lighting was very common in horror films. A contrast of light and dark is used. often to highlight the main character and add suspense.

    Next, I talked about the common editing techniques used. These include are not limited to High angles and Close-Ups. High angles allow the main focus to appear vulnerable and smaller. Additionally, close-ups help show true emotion as to what the person is experiencing. Zooms are another editing technique used in Horror films. This is when the camera lens changes its length. The most common zooms are inwards which dramatizes a character's expressions.

    Then I moved onto common mis-en-scene present in horror films. Setting and costumes play a huge part within the mis-en-scene. The setting practically starts the entire film and moos, creating either a creepy or curious scene. Also, the costumes are extremely important. In horror movies, there is usually a villain. A very theatrical costume is used on them which makes it very easy to point out who is who. Things such as masks are used to establish evil and casual items like a -shit and pants usually establish the 'good' side.

Elements such as jump scares and the use of atmosphere are present in horror films as well. These are actually popular elements people expect to see when watching a horror film.

Another thing I found was that dialogue between characters is the main use of sound. Whether it is the main character and a side character talking, or two mains. Dialogue is heavily used.

When researching the genre of horror I've come to recognize that it is very popular. Many of the films do well in the box-offies. So it was not hard to find other examples to look at.  

                                                         xoxo, Dru Donald. 


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