Genre research: Dream Girls


The elements of drama that are in dream girls are Plot (Climax/ Tension), Sound & Music, Spectacle, And Editing. These elements all added to this film are what differentiates a regular musical movie from a drama-based movie in itself. It also has more dramatic camera movements as well. Things such as low angles to show superiority, and high angles to show inferiority, are just a few that are in dream girls. The same thing with lighting we can see a lot of backlighting, and three-point lighting in the film. 

Some of the few elements I liked about dream girls were more so leaning into the sound/ music area. Adding the element of this movie being a musical added an extra sense of drama. It has an intense range of songs that include emotions that we're able to play out not only in the soundtrack but on screen. There also were a lot of dialogue points I enjoyed as well. Scenes that include fighting and the scenes that build up into songs were some of my favorite moments. Lastly costuming had to be one of my favorites as well. Being that this movie was set in the 60s the looks were very well-fitting. 

 They were very few elements that did not appeal to me in Dreamgirls. If there had to be one thing I would mention that because it was a dramatic musical, there wasn’t a lot of dialogue. I wish there was more dialogue in some of those tough scenes, but they were filled with songs. Those songs that took that spot where dialogue could’ve gone still got the story across so I can say it’s something that was something I loved and something not so appealing to me about Dreamgirls. 
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