Genre Decision Blog

     I've decided to make my opening sequence a Drama film. I feel as if drama is the most fluid. It will a let me be most creative. Since I myself are very dramatic I can put that energy into my film. At first I wanted to do an action genre film. But then I realize that my strongest points light in horror and drama. So with those two, I decided to Research even further and pick which one suited me the best. Thus, I decided to go with drama. I want to be able to create that suspense that leaves the audience wanting more. Well this isn’t a full length movie, I will make sure to still give it the same feeling. 

Additionally, I found it interesting that in the genre of drama films. Other genres such as romance  or comedy can be snuck in. I wanted to still use concepts of other genres was still being a drama film. 

Although, it wasn’t that easy to make this decision. Well I do wanna be creative I feel as if I picked a horror genre film that would be easiest. Simply because a horror film requires a few basic things. The ability to make the audience feel horrified. And with that I feel as if I could achieve that easily. Still, I want to challenge myself in charge forth with a genre I’m comfortable with but will still push me and let me grow.

After my research this decision took about 30 minutes. I am very indecisive so I took a lot of back-and-forth. However I am very happy with my decision to make my opening sequence a drama genre film.

 Xoxo, Dru Donald


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