
Showing posts from March, 2021

Taking an unexpected break

       Spring break is finally over. At the start I was able to shoot some crucial scenes. Like some bedroom scenes. However, when traveling up to Atlanta my allergies towards pollen were activated. I tried my best to prevent a reaction but I still was affected. My entire face, arms, and body are covered in hives. Making it very hard for me to move even the slightest bit. Due to this, I have to put a pause on filming and recover so that all my scenes look as if they were shot in the same day. It is unfortunate, because Ive already rescheduled enough. However, things happen! That is why I all have a backup plan handy. My sister has agreed to be the actress in my film instead of using myself. This will make it a easier incase my recovery takes longer than expected. With that being said, I would have to scrap my previous footage and start new. So there are pro’s and con’s to weigh out. My prediction is that I will just scrap all footage and re-film with my sister. Most likely starting on

Planning for filming

        I start my first day of filming tomorrow. I already started prepping my room for filming. Making sure that it is clean and set up to make day one smooth and easy. I estimate about 1-2 hours of filming with a 30 minute break in between. I really need to focus on getting different angles, for editing purposes. I plan to start filming at around 12:30pm-1:00pm when the sun is the brightest. Natural lighting is key for my film to look good. I also have a ring light handy in case I have to film in areas where natural light is limited.     As for today, besides cleaning up my room, I am just resting. Spring break has officially started so I am taking it all in. Hanging out with my family and talking to some friends. I am very anxious to start film. However, I know that whatever happens will turn out great. My sister said that she will help film as I am the only actor in this. It would be quite hard for me to film and act at the same time. Once day one of filming has concluded, I will

Changing my story

 I've finally heard back from Jade. We both agreed that it would be safer for her not to be in the movie. I would have to film at her house which is not worth the risk. We also both don't have enough time to get tested, so this was the smartest decision. With that being said, I am changing the plot of my film. I will be the only actor in my film. There will be text messages shown from different people. However, only one physical person will be seen through the opening sequence.      It will now be about a teenage girl who a social media star. Her family doesn't know about her following and she keeps it on the down-low. One day her family decides to do a one-week cell-phone ban where they can not touch, use, or look at any cellular device. We see this through her perspective. I have more for the idea but there's only so much I can fit into a minute and a half. This isn't initially what I planned but due to my circumstances, this is the best outcome.     I said this i

Changing my schedule

      I was supposed to start filming yesterday. However, I made the executive decision to change my schedule. I will be moving the filming to spring break. My spring break start March 18th and ends the 29th. This is more than enough time to film and edit. With that being said,  filming will take up 4-5 days. Editing with take 3-4 days. I am still battling with the plot of my film. I am not sure what exactly to do as the pandemic makes planning very hard. One of my actors, Jade may not be able to film. Due to that, I might have to rescript and rewrite everything. Instead of using my friend I would have to use my sister. If that happens I will need to change my story to make it more accessible. I find out if Jade can do it or not on the 15th. So, I will wait until then. Hopefully, she lets me know sooner so that I can probably plan with adequate time. I do not want to be rushed or feel stressed. I estimate I will need 2 days to replan. It wont take long as I already have some ideas in m

Resting before filming

     On March 10th I begin filming. That is two days. In honor of my birthday, today I am going to rest and take a break day from prepping. I already have everything I need to be successful. So until then, I will not be working on this project. Instead, I will be finishing up some of my school work then going out to dinner. I also, will the night watching a movie with my family. Probably something in the action/drama category. So while I'm still resting, I am continuing my know the edge of drama films. More specifically common conventions used. This is will expand my knowledge from my previous research. Shown in my "Genre research" blogs. I will mentally be taking notes. However, not taking any physical notes to rest my brain.          I am very proud of the way I scheduled everything. I don't feel rushed to stressed. I succeeded in planning breaks and knowing myself for when it's needed. I feel like this is the most prepared I've been for my media projects. M

Finalizing my storyboard

  I have not started filming yet. In fact, I start on the 10th. I scheduled it this way so that I could tie all my loose ends together. Such as, my storyboard. I sat down with my teacher today and we talked about multiple ways I could fix my storyboard. I wanted to make sure I got in important details and angles that would be used for each part. It did take a lot of time as I needed to do cured every single moment of my film. I wanted to keep up the cleanliness of each slide. However, the quality did decrease the more I did.I am still proud of my outcome. I keep on switching my plot idea so making a define storyboard was a little tricky. My story may still change when I create the final project. Knowing that, I made sure I made everything broad enough, leaving room for change. Also, giving just enough detail to make sense. This took my about 1 and a half. hours of brainstorming and 2-3 hours of drawing/writing the storyboard. I was extremely exhausted but I pushed through. Hard work tr

Planning Blog: storyboard

                      On my first slide it is shown a hanging clicking on a mouse. It is on a desk and near a computer. After that we are shown the body of a girl who appears to be sitting at the desk. She starts talking to what it seems to be like her stream. During this the shot is established. This is taking place in a living room. On the next page we start to see her gameplay and her interacting with her viewers. Suddenly, her computer screen goes blank and an “ ERROR”  message comes across the screen. Through frustration the girl shakes her computer and yells at it. After cooling down she decided to get up and get her day started. Suddenly, she hears an alarms go off and a close-up on a cell phone ringing is shown. A finger clicks it off and we see a girl rise from her bed like a zombie. It is the same girl from before waking up from her dream. After that in the next couple of slides and scenes we see here getting ready in her bathroom and back into her room then finally leading u

Planning Blog: Titles

Titles DruKungFo Studio’s PRESENTS DruJutsu Production company Dru Donald Jade Amane Regrets Music by Kimberley Rew Edited by: Dru Donald Producer by: Dru Donald Executive Producer: Dru Donald Story by: Dru Donald Written by: Dru Donald Directed by: Dru Donald The opening credits of my film will appear in a modern bold font that fades in an out on the right corner of the screen. Some credits will be written on what is appears to be a computer screen. My working title is most likely to be “Regrets” however there is a chance for it to change to something more discrete. Titles with be flown in or faded onto the screen. Each titles will disappear after 2 or 3 seconds. Depending on the color theme I want to go with for the movie, I will be using a grey,black, and white font. One color for one word and another color for the other. For example: Directed by will look like Directed by: DRU DONALD The titles will most likely be double spaced keeping each separating each letter l i k e  s o.     

Planning for final task: location, health, schedule and more

  Location: I decided to record the majority of this movie in my own house. Mainly because I wanted to keep everything COVID-19 safe. Even the scenes my friends need to record will be at her own house as well. First location is my living, then bedroom,bathroom, kitchen, then living again. I briefly stay on my patio by my living rom. Another relocation is my friends bedroom then my living room again. Participants:  I have only have 2 people in this movie. It was very hard to even find the second person as everyone is cautious of catching disease. I also wanted to use my family, however their availability could not align with my set filming schedule. Actors    Dru Donald  - Destiny Power’s Jade Amane Cheever - Cheryl    Filming:  Dru Donald Editing:  Dru Donald Directing:  Dru Donald  Health: Since COVID hit, nothing has been normal. Hanging out with my friends have lessen and my time outside has decreased. Due to this, I could not have a lot of people in my movie and opted for two: my f

Planning for final task: Scripts

Sound and Dialogue Script   Scene 1 -*Click* -Destiny:“ Looks like we’re on..” -Destiny:“Hey Saber tooth! Nice to see you on my stream today!” -Destiny:“ Today’s stream is going to be a fun one.” -Destiny:“ Minecraft updated the other day. So lets check it out.” -*Error* -Destiny:“NOOOO... MY STREAM CRASHED” -Destiny:“ughhh” -Destiny:“Oh well. I guess Ill just get started with my day.” -*Ring* Scene 2 -*Ring* -*Click* -*Yawn* Scene 3 -No Dialogue  -Diegetic sound Scene 4 -No Dialogue -Diegetic Sound Scene 5 -No Dialogue -Diegetic Sound Scene 6 -*Ring* -Destiny: “Hey!” -Cheryl:“Hey girl! Did you hear?” -Destiny: “Hear what?” - Cheryl:*Gasps* “Tia is hosting a party tonight! We totally should go.” -Destiny: “Uhh” -Cheryl: “Come on. You always stay in doing your “gaming stuff”. Just take a break and live a little. -Destiny: “It’s not “gaming stuff”. It’s streaming and I have fun doing it. Plus, I don’t like party’s. -Cheryl:“I know YOU did not just say that you don’t like party’s. The Des