Taking an unexpected break


    Spring break is finally over. At the start I was able to shoot some crucial scenes. Like some bedroom scenes. However, when traveling up to Atlanta my allergies towards pollen were activated. I tried my best to prevent a reaction but I still was affected. My entire face, arms, and body are covered in hives. Making it very hard for me to move even the slightest bit. Due to this, I have to put a pause on filming and recover so that all my scenes look as if they were shot in the same day. It is unfortunate, because Ive already rescheduled enough. However, things happen! That is why I all have a backup plan handy. My sister has agreed to be the actress in my film instead of using myself. This will make it a easier incase my recovery takes longer than expected. With that being said, I would have to scrap my previous footage and start new. So there are pro’s and con’s to weigh out. My prediction is that I will just scrap all footage and re-film with my sister. Most likely starting on the 31st. That is all, I am taking medication to hopefully speed my recovery. I am also drinking lots of fluids to try and flush out any thing left in my system. It hurts to talk but I will try my best to push through!

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