
Showing posts from January, 2022

Production Blog- Editing

  The day has finally come. The day to put all of my editing research to work. It is time to edit the short film. There was multiple editing software we could choose from. However, we decided to go with iMovie. All of my group members have access to it so it was the most reasonable option. Not only was it accessible, but it's also high-tech! First, we imported the clips into the software. As there was a lot of footage it took a while for everything to load. To make it go by faster we uploaded them in groups of 5 rather than all together. After that, we began sorting the clips. There were over 30 clips to sort from. This took about 15 minutes.  The entire process took about 4 hours. This includes our breaks. We worked in parts, switching off. One would take a break while the other would edit. In the end, we all peer-reviewed it and adjusted it as needed. Being able to bounce off of everyone's ideas was extremely useful. One of my favorite parts was incorporating the speed-ups an

Production Blog- Last Filming Day

Today was our last day of filming. The car crash scenes were the final thing we needed to shoot. To start, we put up the props and setting, followed by the beginning car sequences up to the crash. Each of the three-car crash scenarios begins with April driving, followed by his being involved in the crash, and finally the aftermath of the crash. We thought it would be best to put the fake glass and blood on the scene after we'd already filmed the beginning of the automobile sequences so we wouldn't have to constantly changeset with the props for the scene of the aftermath of the car crash. The first scene was reshot a couple of times as we still had some nerves. Vanessa is playing April in our film. Being an actor takes a lot of preparation. So, we gave her a few times to review the lines. While she wouldn't consider herself an actress, I think she did an amazing job. Being able to film her was a delight! Having some acting experience I gave her some tips. Such as, visualizi

Production Blog- Second day of fliming

     My group and I began day two of filming today. We had intended on filming the vehicle and car crash scenes. We knew we had to film them strategically to ensure the safety of ourselves and our surroundings. Due to our scenes repeating, recording each part various times was crucial. We started by recording each part separately then compared them afterward. This made the process smoother since the entire scene was already set. This included the clothing, sets, and proper lighting. Much like the first day, we started to run into some problems. For the majority of our time, everything was running smoothly. However, the weather began to work against us. In some parts, the wind was too active which messed with the audio. Most of the dialogue was washed out so we couldn't really hear. Just before we thought it couldn't get worse... it got worse. Clouds started to form and sooner than later we were forced indoors. Due to this, we were unable to film the car crash. Yet, we used this

Production Blog- First day of fliming

Today my group and I started filming. The anticipation up to this day has been crazy. Today's focus was on the beginning of the film. April's start of the day in her house. We also planned on filming her first 3 days. This would make it easier on us as it would be hard to replicate the exact scene the next day. The lighting and setup played a huge part in this. Once we arrived at the location of the house we spent some time organizing and setting up.  We got out the storyboards and arranged them according to plan. We began filming out of order. As we progressed we started to run into some problems. The lighting would shine in a different direction opposite of the actor. This created a shadow to form. Lighting is key so we had to fix this quick! We decided on waiting for the sun to dim. This would allow for less light to form a shadow. In the meantime, we filmed smaller scenes. Such as the calendar and dresser scene. I would say our first day of filming was a success!          

Production Blog- Anticipation of filming

 We have one more day until we start group filming. I am so ecstatic! Not only will this be the first day of filming, but this will also be the last. As briefly stated in my previous blog, Vanessa started filming solo. As she plays April, it was easier for her to start filming by herself. All of her bathroom scenes are done. However, we might re-film for safety measures. Additionally, she’s made over 60% progress for our film. As this is a short 5-minute film, the process is shorter. All that’s left to do is record the driving scenes and Publix entrance. After that, I will gather all of the footage and began editing. When Vanessa is behind the camera, Jheanelle and I will switch off with filming. We might even use two cameras at once to have multiple angles. I can’t describe how happy I am to finally shoot this film. Working among my talented group members has been such a delight. We push each other and challenge ideas. I wouldn’t want to collab with anyone other than them! Not only ar

Production Blog- Getting ready to flim

 The time has finally come when my group and I get ready to film! After months of planning, scheduling, and writing we are about ready to get started. Originally, we were supposed to film begging of January. However, due to COVID our film start date got pushed back. We are more than excited to finally get started. Vanessa began filming the first few scenes at her house. On Wednesday the 26th we will finish it up. We agreed on Vanessa playing April and filming primarily at her house. This choice makes finding great locations to film much easier. We will also use her car for those car accident scenes. As we only need one actor it was the smartest choice to make it one of us. We estimate about 3 hours of filming on Wednesday to finish everything. After that, I agreed on leading on the editing portion. To be safe we plan on filming about 5 takes of every scene just so we have enough footage. Also, so that we can reach the 5-minute mark.  As compared to last year in AS level, I can say that

Production Blog- Website

  During my time home my group also completed the website. Much like the postcard, the vibe was crucial. We needed to ensure that mystery was felt when viewing it. Therefore we went with a darker colors scheme. Greys, blacks, and white are plastered all over. We even included a photo from one of our scenes. When you first open the website you are greeted with the most important information. The title of our short film "Wednesday Drive." You also see our production company "Apple TV Production." As you scroll you get to see more about the film. Including the debut date. We even included all of the social media so people can stay connected! Additionally, if you scroll back up you will see more screens options to click. Including home, Short film, Cast and Crew, Behind the Scenes, and links to all of our blogs. Each screen provides insight into what's to come. And with every click, you feel more and more in the short film. Our hope is to grow our community every da

Production Blog- Post Card

Due to my absence from school, my group stepped in to complete the postcard. A postcard is a physical or digital small form of advertisement. There is usually a front and back. The theme of the postcard usually matches the genre of the media. In our case: Mystery. The title of our short film is "Wednesday Drive." To get that point across to our viewers, we need to include a car of some sort onto the postcard. After a few website searches for the car in motion, we finally found the right one. The picture we used portrays a car driving fast. Due to the focus of the photo, you can sense the speed is above the speed limit. This plant's images in your mind of what is to come next. Will the driver into a car accident, will they get pulled over. Thus, leaving you wanting more. On the front of our postcard, we also include the showtimes, address, a QR code to the website, and our social media. Every important piece of information the audience may need is right on the card. Scanni

Production Blog- Updated schedule

 Hello! The following is our updated schedule plan for our short film. The only thing that has been updated is the filming schedule. Schedule 1/20/21- We will meet up at Vanessa’s house to film the remaining scenes that are meant to be filmed inside of the home. After, we will drive to the nearest Publix to film the needed scenes. We will begin filming at 5pm and complete finishing at 7pm...  1/24/21- We will begin editing our film. We will upload all of the scenes to our computers and edit the scenes. 1/28/21- We will finish editing this day. Location Vanessa’s house Publix An empty street near Vanessa’s house Participants Actors: Vanessa Gilbert                             Editing: Dru Donald               Dru Donald                                                 Jheanelle Shand             Jheanelle Shand                                          Vanessa Gilbert Filming: Jheanelle shand                        Makeup artist: Dru Donald               Vanessa Gilbert               Dru

Production Blog- Film Meditation

  Still not back at school. It is every kid's dream to miss school. Yet, I can’t help but feel restless. I need to get back into the working environment. I miss the interaction with others. I miss the routine. As soon I get back I will make up for my lost hours. As for school work, I have made sure to stay on track. For any assignment I see I make sure to turn it in on time electronically. I am thankful that my teachers accept online submission during my time of leave. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of support my friends have given me. I have also been focusing on my mental health. While school has its ups, it also has its downs. A student's mental health diminishes severely if not monitored. School can take a huge toll on your mind and body.  To combat this, mediation has been my best friend. Every morning I make sure to meditate for at least 5 minutes. If I'm in the mood I'll also meditate for 5 minutes at night and unwinded with a short film. Even though this

Production Blog- Editing research

Another day, still a home. As we know I cannot return home until next week. However, I will not let this stop my productivity.  Editing is something I find joy in. Whether that be a 10-second fan edit or a 1-minute opening sequence, editing is a pastime. Because of this, I chose to spend my time insolation studying up this beautiful technique.  This film needs to be 5 minutes. As compared to last year, where I only did a 1-minute opening sequence. This requires more. More technique and refinement. When it comes to the basics: cutting, cropping, and layering, I am a pro.  Regardless, there is a still way I can improve. The genre of our short film is Mystery. With that being said, there are certain editing techniques required for this genre. Such as sound and ticing. Using the website "VideoMaker" I learned all about the importance of proper pacing. If you rush the story the audience might be confused. But if you make it too slow the audience may get bored. All of this importan

Production Blog- Unfortunate obstacles

Originally, my group and I planned on filming at the start of January. We were set on finishing around the second week and starting editing the following week. While this all seemed set in stone. Unfortunately, we've had some setbacks.  As we all awaited winter break, the new strand of COVID was spreading. During the last week of break, I contracted this disease and have been out of school for almost a week. Due to this, we had to push back all of our plans. As of right now, we do not have a new filming date. Yet, I will not let this hold us back.  Even though I may not be at school physically, I have been actively communicating with my group members. They've all been extremely understanding of my situation. If I can return to school this upcoming week, I hope to start filming the week after.  Currently at home, I have been watching videos about editing for short films. For this project, I plan on leading with the editing portion. Out of everything else, editing is where I am m