Production Blog- Unfortunate obstacles

Originally, my group and I planned on filming at the start of January. We were set on finishing around the second week and starting editing the following week. While this all seemed set in stone. Unfortunately, we've had some setbacks. 

As we all awaited winter break, the new strand of COVID was spreading. During the last week of break, I contracted this disease and have been out of school for almost a week. Due to this, we had to push back all of our plans. As of right now, we do not have a new filming date. Yet, I will not let this hold us back. 

Even though I may not be at school physically, I have been actively communicating with my group members. They've all been extremely understanding of my situation. If I can return to school this upcoming week, I hope to start filming the week after. 

Currently at home, I have been watching videos about editing for short films. For this project, I plan on leading with the editing portion. Out of everything else, editing is where I am most comfortable. From my research, I have learned about the importance of coloring and cutting scenes. The conventions for our genre (Mystery) play a big part within the tone of the film. 

While this wasn't the original plan, this won't stop us from making this film the best it can be! As quoted by Moliere, "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” 

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