Production Blog- Second day of fliming


My group and I began day two of filming today. We had intended on filming the vehicle and car crash scenes. We knew we had to film them strategically to ensure the safety of ourselves and our surroundings. Due to our scenes repeating, recording each part various times was crucial. We started by recording each part separately then compared them afterward. This made the process smoother since the entire scene was already set. This included the clothing, sets, and proper lighting. Much like the first day, we started to run into some problems. For the majority of our time, everything was running smoothly. However, the weather began to work against us. In some parts, the wind was too active which messed with the audio. Most of the dialogue was washed out so we couldn't really hear. Just before we thought it couldn't get worse... it got worse. Clouds started to form and sooner than later we were forced indoors. Due to this, we were unable to film the car crash. Yet, we used this time to brainstorm some backup plans. While we have been prioritizing filming, we also record some behind the scene shots. We plan on posting them to our website. This will give our audience some insight and laughter. In the meantime, we finished the indoor shots. A lot of them needed to be refilmed to meet our ideal requirements. While the day didn't go as planned, we still managed to remain productive on our second day!

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