Production Blog- First day of fliming

Today my group and I started filming. The anticipation up to this day has been crazy. Today's focus was on the beginning of the film. April's start of the day in her house. We also planned on filming her first 3 days. This would make it easier on us as it would be hard to replicate the exact scene the next day. The lighting and setup played a huge part in this. Once we arrived at the location of the house we spent some time organizing and setting up.  We got out the storyboards and arranged them according to plan. We began filming out of order. As we progressed we started to run into some problems. The lighting would shine in a different direction opposite of the actor. This created a shadow to form. Lighting is key so we had to fix this quick! We decided on waiting for the sun to dim. This would allow for less light to form a shadow. In the meantime, we filmed smaller scenes. Such as the calendar and dresser scene. I would say our first day of filming was a success!

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