Planning Blog for Final Task


1/4/21- We will begin filming. We will film at least the first 4 scenes. We will begin filming at 12pm and we should finish around 6pm. We will meet up at Vanessa’s house.

1/6/21- We will meet up again at Vanessa’s house again to film the remaining scenes that are meant to be filmed inside of the home. We will begin filming at 3pm and complete finishing at 7pm.

1/8/21- We will meet at Publix to film the scenes for this location. We will also film the car crash scenes and any other scenes that are meant to be filmed outside. 

1/9/21- We will begin editing our film. We will upload all of the scenes to our computers and edit the scenes.

1/10/21- We will finish editing this day.


Vanessa’s house


An empty street near Vanessa’s house


Actors: Vanessa Gilbert                             Editing: Dru Donald 

             Dru Donald                                                 Jheanelle Shand

            Jheanelle Shand                                          Vanessa Gilbert

Filming: Jheanelle shand                        Makeup artist: Dru Donald

              Vanessa Gilbert

              Dru Donald

Health and Safety

-To ensure our safety, my parents have volunteered to act as a “safety team’ by providing extreme supervision, with access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit.

- For scenes where April is driving, we will have the car parked unless it is crucial for the car to be moving. We all have our driver’s license so it is completely legal for us all to operate a motor vehicle.

-For scenes where we are in public, we will be wearing masks unless the masks need to be off to show facial expressions. We will ensure that no one I nearby and that none of us are feeling ill.

-We will have a first aid kit ready and a member of the safety team watching, should something go wrong.


We will be using 2 cars to film the driving and crash scenes.

We will also be using a cellphone to display text messages and missed phone calls.

The calendar that April uses to cross off the date will also be used.

Fake glass and blood will also be used.


April will be wearing regular teenage girl clothes. This will be blue jeans and a t-shirt with Vans.

She will wear pajamas at the beginning when she first wakes up in each scene. This will be pajama pants and a t-shirt with crocs.

Backup Plan

If we are unable to film at Vanessa's house, we will be filming at my house. If anyone falls ill before we are able to begin filming, we will find a friend to replace their role in the film. If anything happens to a car that is supposed to be used, we will use the backup cars that belong to our parents.

                                                                                                                                xoxo, Dru 


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