Short Films Research “Nursery Rhymes”

 The short film "Nursery Rhyme" was literally amazing. It was around 5 minutes long and every second had the viewer questioning what was to come next. it begins with a man singing the famous "old McDonald" nursery rhyme, shirtless, in front of a farm. The camera begins to pan left and each turn reveals something crucial to why the man is singing the song. As the camera pans, you can see that a car crash has taken place and the lady driving the vehicle has died. It is then revealed towards the end that the man was singing the "old McDonald" nursery rhyme because the baby of the woman who died was crying.


The diegetic sound was used within this short film. You can hear the man singing the nursery rhyme, and as the film progressed other diegetic sounds are played as more of the car crash scene is displayed. This is related to the mystery genre because the man singing an old nursery rhyme shaking and shirtless with no context created suspense throughout the entirety of the film. 

Mis En Scene

The costumes were very key to the film. The people who were involved in the crash seem to be part of a rock band. The dark clothing, hair, and makeup revealed this.

The props reveal context about the film. A car can be seen upside down which added suspense as to what happened. Clothes are scattered all over the road and another van can be seen with a dent in the front.

The main camera movement used was pan. It helped the audience to have a full view of the scene and what is happening. It also helped to build suspense and tension as the audience does not know what could be shown next. Mid shot was used then it switched to a long shot to show the scene and what happened then it switched to close up at the end to show the baby crying and to reveal why the man was singing nursery rhymes.
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