Short Film Research:Escape the Undertaker

 I watched a short film on Netflix called Escape the Undertaker. In this short film, I started to realize different filming techniques used. Something I noticed right away was the camera angles. Throughout this short film, dramatic camera angles were used like close-ups, low angles, point-of-view shots, and many others. The close-ups were used throughout the short film to enhance the emotion of a situation, especially since this is a mystery short film making the audience sit on the edge of the seat is done with this enhanced emotion. Low angles were also used a lot to simulate a similar idea which was building emotion and keeping the audience on the edge of their seat. Point of view shots was one of the last I wanted to point out, I found these specific to the mystery genre in short films because I usually don't see them. These point of view shots made the audience feel as if they were witnessing this for themselves in the first person which makes everything that happens more life-like. With these camera angles also came dramatic cut from one angle to another which just kept the tension and kept the audiences attention. Sound was something else I noticed really added to the mystery effect in this short film. There was both digetic and non-digetic sound throughout the film. The digetic sounds really helped place the audience in the film heightening any emotion. The non-digetic sound was also placed really well, I would almost forget it was even placed outside of what was happeneing. The sound integrated its way into the film and just made me the audience follow along with every scene. The audiences attention was always kept and choices were made to keep the audience so invested becuase since this is a short film the audience needs to be brought through every step of the story until being brough to the conclusion. Besides camera angles, sound, and editing I realized the costumes and set design for this short film. When it came to costumes I noticed in the mystery genre and short films especially, the costumes weren't to complicated. They were simple and to the point to show the audience who that character is and do just enough. This was similar to when it came to settings and props. There were props and different things like smoke and coffins but in the short film things weren't over exagerated.

Overall I noticed so many different things that were done in this mystery genre short film. 

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