Genre Research- Mystery

  Common CAMS in Mystery

  • High Angle/Bird's eye view: These shots are used within mystery films to give the effect that whatever is being looked down on, appears to look powerless and vulnerable
  • Close-up shot: This camera angle is used to show what the character's reactions are to whatever is happening in the film and how they are feeling at that moment. It is also used to capture detail closely in a scene that is important in the film.
  • Tracking or panning: These are used in mystery films to make it look like one of the characters is being followed or being watched. It also helps the audience to have a full view of the scene and what is happening. But also helps to build suspense and tension as the audience does not know what could be shown next.
  • Long shots: This camera shot is used a lot in mystery films to help show what something looks like and the atmosphere. For example, a deserted town gives the atmosphere that something is wrong with the town.

Common SOUND in Mystery
  • In mystery films, the music is used to create tension and suspense within the audience and to make them feel scared and frightened. The music helps to build up a climax when approaching a mysterious part of the film. They often include synthesized sounds, this helps to create the mood of the scene in the film.
  • The most commonly used sounds in mystery films are dark, eerie sounds. The music usually starts off at a slow pace at first whilst gradually speeding up the pace helping create the tension and build-up to climax.

Common MIS-EN-SCENE in Mystery
  • Mystery films use low-key lighting to create mystery and suspense within the film. It does this by hiding key points of the frame including peoples faces and surroundings from the audience. It can also hide important facts and clues from the characters or it can be used to hide the characters from one another. 
  • Mystery films often have props including guns and knives
  • Mysteries are often set in urban areas. This creates an unease within the audience as it is a familiar setting and it could be them in the situation. 
Common EDITING in Mystery
  • All thriller films use fast and slow-paced editing in their films. This is very good at creating suspense, tension and also conveying emotions and/or representing characters
  •  The most common transition is a cut, this is used a lot in mysteries to cut between shots and create a tense atmosphere. 
  • Graphic matches are also used in mystery films. This helps connects two scenes together, which would otherwise be seen as unrelated. These can be very effective in thrillers as they can be used to emphasize the actions that have just taken place in a scene
Examples of Mystery in film
  • Mystery Murder - Netlfix  2019
  • The woman in the window - Netflix 2021
  • True Story - 2015
What Elements do you like
  • Within the mystery film, the suspense is what keeps wanting to watch. The suspense caused me to be on the edge of my seat and that kept me intrigued throughout the entirety of the film. 

What Elements do you not like
  • Sometimes I dislike when mystery films keep the suspense going for too long. I also dislike when the producers never reveal anything to the audience until the end. This does cause for greater suspense but it gets annoying to watch over time when you cant piece anything together until the end.
    xoxo, Dru 


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