Editing until I drop


 Since Wednesday I've been editing non-stop trying to get this film right. My biggest task has been the titles as I want to be perfect. I ended up completely wiping my old title design and going with something else. My original plan just didn't match the feeling of my film anymore. So I had to download new fonts and pictures and start from scratch. That room my about a day but putting them all together is taking the most time. I plan to completely finish the titles tomorrow and review the rest of my edits. So that I can submit my final task that same day. I am using DaVinci Resolve to edit. This high-tech editor allows me to have complete artist freedom just at a click of a button. It was a little tricky to manage at first, but with a few tutorials, I think I've become a master! Luckily, I can devote all of my time to finishing up my edits because I have no other conflicts. Such as work or other homework. I estimate that I will finish up at around 6:00pm leaving one hour for me to review and upload. While this wasn't my original pan to still be editing on the day that this is due. I still plan to get everything done and of good quality. There were a lot of sets back with this project. The pandemic being the main cause of a lot of them. However, I made it my duty to power through and still come to create a good outcome! After I finish, I will use the weekend to complete my CCR. Back to editing I go!

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