Filming for my commercial

     Filming for my commercial was an interesting experience. I worked by myself for this project so everything came straight to my head. Initially, I wanted a simple tutorial type of commercial. However, my ideas changed once I started to research more about these types of commercials. After research, I then knew what I wanted. 

    On Saturday, the 31st I officially started the filming. I took one day to shoot and film everything and did so in about 15 takes. I had to make sure my lighting was perfect in every shot to make the commercial look professional. Also, I made are every angle showed only necessary items and not a crowded background. Strategically I filmed all my shots on my vanity at the peak of dawn where my window gets the perfect amount of natural lighting. This made my vanity shots look very uniform and soft.  Additionally, for certain takes that required both of my hand in the shot, I asked my Mom for assistance on holding the camera. For example, at a high angle shot with both of my hand and the sponge my Mother held the camera. 

    The entire filming process took about 3 hours in total. Prior to starting the filming, I estimated about 5 hours for the entire process. However, it went quicker than I expected. I made sure the night before I set up all my props and storyboard so I could film each shot accurately and swiftly. I woke up at around 10:00am and started getting ready for about an hour and a half. Everything went according to my plan.

Overall, my filming process was 10/10.


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