Editing my commercial: Getting it perfect

    After filming all the scenes needed I began the editing process. I had to make sure everything was perfect. First, I dumped all my footage onto my computer and imported it into my editing software. I used the application Resolve to edit my Commerical. For the most part, it was very easy. However, I did find trouble when it came to getting my commercial at exactly 30 seconds. Due to this, I had to cut some footage and tweak my original idea. I estimated every clip to be 5 seconds and 6 scenes in total. With this in mind, every clip had to be trimmed. Speeding up some clips helped me keep most of them. 
    The most difficult task was the voiceover portion. I had to make sure that the voiceover was consistent throughout the entire commercial. I also had to make sure the product being advertised was appropriately presented. To ensure the flow, I recorded over the entire video, not on separate clips. With that, I could take complete control of the direction the commercial was going. I used very minimal transitions so they could keep the motion of the commercial but just barely noticed.  
    One of the easiest tasks when editing the commercial was adding background music. All I had to search up "Copyright-free commercial music" and insert it onto my video. I made sure that the volume was low enough so you could still hear the voice-over but still noticeable if focused on. To make sure the commercial seemed professional I showed it to my mother to make sure it wasn't choppy.


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