Intro Blog

 Hello! My name is Dru Donald, I am 16 years old, a junior in high school, and attend Fort Lauderdale High. One word I would describe myself as is LUMINOUS, whether that's in a room full of people or in seclusion by myself. Some of my hobbies may include but are not limited to, social media, musical theatre, and being an anime enthusiast. As I am consumed by the world of social media I decided it was a great idea to take AICE Media Studies. I've heard great reviews about this class from my previous years at Fort Lauderdale so it was only natural I'd test it out for myself. I want to learn more about the world of media in all forms so this class is a perfect option. I also want to expand my editing/creating media skills so its another win-win situation. All in all, I feel like this class will help me grow tremendously as a person and future media fanatic. One of my favorite apps as of right now is TikTok. I mostly make my content about anime which initially helped grow my platform as that community is very populated on that app. I hope to gain many more followers and become an influencer. That is one of my biggest dreams and I have a plan to make sure it comes true. I use social media as a way to come out of my shell. Being the introvert that I am, it takes some time to open up so I find comfort in the app. One of my favorite shows right now is Naruto.

There's just something about this anime that makes me smile ear to ear the instant I hear about it. I recommend it 100% I've watched a lot of shows and none of them come close to Naruto. My favorite movie of all time is Coraline. It's a very unpopular opinion however, there's just something out that movie that interests me so much. There are tons of conspiracies to unpack about it which is another reason why it's my favorite. 

To wrap it up, I can't wait to dive further into the world of AICE Media Studies.

xoxo, Dru Donald

  • Quid Pro Quo
    Quid pro quo - giving something in exchange for getting something

    Origin: Latin meaning "this for that"

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Sentence Example: He gave her food from his garden as a quid pro quo for her cutting his hair.

  • Scintillating

  • Quid Pro Quo
    Quid pro quo - giving something in exchange for getting something

    Origin: Latin meaning "this for that"

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Sentence Example: He gave her food from his garden as a quid pro quo for her cutting his hair.

  • Scintillating

  • Quid Pro Quo
    Quid pro quo - giving something in exchange for getting something

    Origin: Latin meaning "this for that"

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Sentence Example: He gave her food from his garden as a quid pro quo for her cutting his hair.

  • Scintillating


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