
Showing posts from December, 2021

Storyboard for Final Task

     This is the storyboard for the final task! We used a total of 9 sheets to illustrate every detail of our short film. As the main plot point of our story is that the main character's day keeps on repeating, most of our shots had to look the same.      The first sheet shows the opening sequence of the short film. The main character, April, wakes up out of her bed from the alarm on her phone. Annoyed, she hops off and crosses the current day on the calendar. The day is zoomed in to; Wednesday the third. Cut to April getting dressed; as she showers, her mom calls her. She reminds April to pick up the cake for her sister's 9th birthday party. In a hurry, she speeds out of her house, dressed, leaving her phone. As she is driving, her favorite song plays "Promiscuous Girl" semi distracted; she catches a glimpse of a stop sign up ahead yet decides to pass it. April takes her eyes off the road for a split second, causing her to collide with another car, leading the scene

Planning Blog for Final Task

  Schedule 1/4/21- We will begin filming. We will film at least the first 4 scenes. We will begin filming at 12pm and we should finish around 6pm. We will meet up at Vanessa’s house. 1/6/21- We will meet up again at Vanessa’s house again to film the remaining scenes that are meant to be filmed inside of the home. We will begin filming at 3pm and complete finishing at 7pm. 1/8/21- We will meet at Publix to film the scenes for this location. We will also film the car crash scenes and any other scenes that are meant to be filmed outside.  1/9/21- We will begin editing our film. We will upload all of the scenes to our computers and edit the scenes. 1/10/21- We will finish editing this day. Location Vanessa’s house Publix An empty street near Vanessa’s house Participants Actors: Vanessa Gilbert                             Editing: Dru Donald               Dru Donald                                                 Jheanelle Shand             Jheanelle Shand                                   

Updated Screenplay for Short Film

 This is my group and I’s updated script for our short film. After revising and editing the script we come out with the final product. We made sure to fix the font and size of some sentences and make sure that our plot is clear. Here is the final script! INT. TOWNHOUSE HOME – DAY This is the home of April, the main character. She is in her bedroom and is just now waking up from her sleep. Her room conforms to the typical standards of a teenage girls’ room with clothes on the floor to show she is in a hurry. Music begins to play from her alarm and then continues to play within the scene. Song: Replay by Zendaya  April gets up and crosses out the date on the calendar(Wednesday). Cut to: She goes to the bathroom and begins getting ready. Then her phone rings and she picks up.           MOTHER:      Don't forget the cake Lindsay’s 7th birthday  and then she begins to rush because needs to hurry.         APRIL:  Oh crap!  Cut to: As she's going out the door she is rushing to put on